Butterfly Ridge

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Taking Our Message on the Road!

At Butterfly Ridge we are all about the message. And what is our message? Our message is a message of hope. While certain news media and conservation groups are trying to convince you that it is the “end of the world as we know it” for butterflies, those words are far from true at Butterfly Ridge.

Since 2015, we have grown our butterfly population by nearly 400 percent. We want the world to know not only what we have accomplished, but that by using our methods and strategies, you can accomplish the same on your property, and in your community, as well!

In North Beach, Maryland we spoke to youngsters at the Boys & Girls Club about how insects pollinate flowers, the local Master Gardener group about the evening pollination duties of moths, and a general town meeting hosted by a local garden club and nature center on the value of butterflies and how to grow the local population.

At Ohio University we have done talks and workshops for the Wildlife Club (because butterflies are wildlife too!).

We have spoken to the local Hocking County Historical Society on the value of repurposing historic property.

We have also given native seed workshops for Hocking Hills Wild Ones, not only how to harvest seed but how to prep it for spring planting.

We do multiple talks every year at the Ohio Pawpaw Festival in Albany, Ohio on the value of pollinators.

Oh, and did I mention monarch tagging workshops, butterfly walks, and moth lighting events? The groups we have spoken to include Licking County Parks, Ross County Parks, Pickaway County Parks, Athens County Master Gardeners, Licking County Master Gardeners, Ohio Lepidopterists Society, Columbus Audubon Society, Friends of Decker’s Creek (Morgantown, WV.), Scioto Trails Birding Club, Hocking College Wildlife Club, Central Arizona Butterfly Association, and more.

We would love to make it as easy for you as possible to learn from us, therefore we are willing to come to you. All we need from you is to secure the venue and the audience. We especially appreciated Denise Phelps in North Beach for securing several speaking engagements to maximize the impact of our visit to the area.

We bring the teaching materials, books to sell and give away, seeds to give away, equipment, expertise, and most of all, encouragement for you to accomplish great things for our winged friends.

The map below shows how far we can travel. And once again, the closer to the perimeter of the circle, the more presentations we hope you can arrange for us. Yes, we ask for a small speaking fee to cover our time and travel. If an overnight stay is required, hopefully you can help us find a place to crash (while in Maryland we stayed with Denise).

At Butterfly Ridge we practice what we preach. And we try to keep things affordable because this is a message that everyone needs to hear.

We would love to hear from you. The best way to reach us is via email: chris@butterfly-ridge.com. If you do not get a response within a few days try our business phone 740-204-5372. Please have a time and date in mind when you would like us to visit. We look forward to spreading the pollinator gospel to your group!